Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I know, I know...I've benn remiss in keeping this current.  I promise to work harder at doing better!
I've finished books 5 & 6 and both are on their way to retail, having been approved by the authors and passed QA.  They should be available soon.
# 5 is titled Duty to Investigate, by J.W. Stone, a former U.S. Marine Officer who served several tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and writes with the authority earned under fire.  The story takes place during the 2nd battle of Fallujah and revolves around a civilian reporter embedded with a Marine combat unit who believes she witnessed an atrocity by an American Marine...and the lengths the Marine Corps and the U.S. will go to to get things right in the pursuit of justice...and truth.  If you like action with a taste of reality, this is for you.
Book # 6 is Let the Wind Blow Through You, by Roland Yeomans.  This was my first exposure to Roland's work, but I can promise it won't be my last.  His writing, his way with words, and his ability to turn a phrase are beautiful, if not amazing.  It's a short story bordering on novella, only 39 pages and just about an hour of narration, and every minute of it worth the investment of your time.  The main characters are a Native American psychologist and a female Mafia "donna." At the end he reveals that he never finished the story and seeks your input as to whether he should!  In all honesty, I don't care what your reading preferences are, this is a must read, preferably a must "listen." Whether you prefer "real" books, e-books or, hopefully, audio books (!), do yourself a favor and get this one.
Jumping to future tense, the Warrior's Publishing Group, which produced Duty to Investigate, has offered me a new book called Archangel of Sedona, and Mr. Yeomans has offered me a new book called Adrift in the Time Stream.  I've accepted both, and both are new adventures for me, as Archangel is more "metaphysical" and Adrift is fantasy.  From what I've read, both should be fun projects and stretch my skills.
So, stay tuned.  

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